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"Fly Army"

"Fly Army"


Les Dalton / Colin Den-McKay

Land Rover Lightweight

1975 Scottish Rally


During the 1970s and early 1980s, Les represented the British Army Rally Team on thirty International rallies, during which he won over thirty five awards.

In the 1971 RAC International Rally of Great Britain, the last rally in the world championship that year he brought a completely standard Austin 1800 to the finish of the rally in 34th place overall, a rally that has gone down in history, as perhaps the toughest RAC rally ever, and this from 250 of the best rally drivers in the world.

He drove the last Austin 1800 to finish an International rally finishing 32 overall on the 1978 Scottish International Rally, the year that FIA homologation for the car expired, and he was part of the team which finished second team overall to the mighty works Ford Escorts, of Hannu Mikkola, Roger Clark, and Russell Brooks, in that rally.

He was the inaugural winner of the prestigious; “British Leyland sponsored, Silver Salver”.

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David Kelsall Art, Cosy Nook Barn, Reap Hirst Road, Huddersfield HD2 2DD

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